Behavioral Health Services
To set up new appointments email us at or call 517-882-4000 x151. Therapists are providing therapy through telehealth platform and in-person sessions.
About Our Therapists
Prevention Services
Behavioral Health Resources
Forms and Brochures
Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) is an empowering approach developed by Dr. David Jobes. CAMS seeks to keep those with suicidal thoughts out of the hospital and ensure safety. Individuals work their therapist to establish safe practices and develop a specific plan to effectively manage suicidal thoughts.
Families Matter!
Families Matter! provides treatment, case management, and prevention services to youth and their families who may be affected by opioid use, other substances use, and co-occurring mental health needs within Eaton and Ingham counties. This program seeks to promote recovery through developing healthy coping, refusal, and emotional regulation skills. The program also seeks to educate youth and their families on the effects of substance misuse and connect them to other community services.
Foster Care Mental Health
Counseling services are provided to children and adolescents who are in foster care.
Mental Health Counseling
Mental Health Counseling services offers individual, family, and couples counseling. Services are provided by therapists with training and experience in a wide variety of concern areas.
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2021 Beneficiaries
131 Individuals served in the clinic
Individuals received Mental Health Counseling
Youth and adults received Substance Abuse & Misuse Disorder Screening and/or Treatment.
Children received mental Health Counseling at our Waverly E3 Clinic
Children received mental Health Counseling through Project Peace (Attwood Magnate School)
Youth and 7 parent/caregivers served through Families Matter! Programming
Clients served through Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) intervention
Staff, foster parents, teachers, etc. received Zero Suicide Training